Good work habits towards being a more effective researcher

Over the years I have developed some habits as I work that help to make me more efficient as a researcher.  Of students that I’ve seen struggle in their doctoral studies, they are always lacking several of the habits in this list.  Of students who excel, they have all (or nearly all of these habits) either because they were mentored in them, or somehow figured it out themselves.

In assigned homework, students will be expected to conform to good coding and plotting practices, and to submit an annotated bibliography in bibtex format if literature searches are required.

Many of these habits overlap with the list of good work habits in jobs in the private sector. Start using these practices now, and reap many benefits as you go along 🙂

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MTBI 2015 summer lectures

[In these modules, students will become familiar with basic concepts that will enable them to fit the parameters of a mathematical model, such that the model gives a good description of a data set.  Sources of data useful to mathematical epidemiology will be discussed, including online sources of data, and how to extract data sources from the literature using programs like DataThief.

Goodness-of-fit statistics will be discussed, as will computational methods for finding model parameters that optimize the goodness-of-fit statistic.  In particular, in the examples we will focus on fitting the parameters of compartmental models of disease dynamics to epidemic data.

In passing along the way, we will discuss how to do literature searches, how to build an annotated bibliography in bibtex, how to come up with a solid research question, how to organize your work, and how to write a good research paper (essentially, many of the skills needed to excel at research!)]

Part I

Homework #1

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