Example using Negative Binomial likelihood for model parameter optimization

In this past module, we discussed using the Pearson chi-squared statistic to determine the best-fit parameters of an SIR model to influenza B data from the 2007-08 Midwest flu season.   In this module, we will discuss how to find the best-fit parameters using the Negative Binomial likelihood instead.

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Visits: 4683

Correcting for over-dispersion when using Pearson chi-squared

In this past module, we discussed the various merits and applicability of the Least Squares, Pearson chi-square, Poisson likelihood, and Negative Binomial likelihood statistics.

And in this past module we discussed how we can use the graphical Monte Carlo method (aka fmin plus a half method) to determine the one-std deviation confidence interval on our parameter hypotheses when using a likelihood statistic, and we also discussed how the Least Squares and Pearson chi-square statistics can be converted to likelihood statistics.

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Visits: 3210

Another example C++ program to fit model parameters to data

In a past module, we examined how we could use methods in the R deSolve to fit the parameters of an SIR model to confirmed cases of influenza B in the Midwest region during the 2007-2008 flu season (the data were obtained from the CDC).  In that module, we used a Least Squares goodness-of-fit estimator. Continue reading

Visits: 3274

A C++ class for numerically solving ODE’s

In previous modules, we have described how to use methods in the R deSolve library to numerically solve systems of ordinary differential equations, like the SIR model.  The default algorithm underlying the functions in the deSolve library is 4th order Runge-Kutta method, which involves an iterative process to obtain approximate numerical solutions to the differential equations.  Euler’s method is an even simpler method that can be used to estimate solutions to ODE’s, but 4th order Runge-Kutta is a higher order method that is more precise. Continue reading

Visits: 4464

Estimating parameter confidence intervals when using the Monte Carlo optimization method

[In this module, students will become familiar with estimating parameter confidence intervals when using the Monte Carlo method to estimate the best-fit parameters of a mathematical model to data.]

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Visits: 8763

Least Squares and Weighted Least Squares

[This is part of a series of modules on optimization methods]

The simplest, and often used, figure of merit for goodness of fit is the Least Squares statistic (aka Residual Sum of Squares), wherein the model parameters are chosen that minimize the sum of squared differences between the model prediction and the data.  For N data points, Y^data_i (where i=1,…,N), and model predictions at those points, Y^model_i, the statistic is calculated as (note that the model prediction depends on the model parameters):

ls Continue reading

Visits: 6454

Optimizing model parameters to data (aka inverse problems)

[This presentation discusses methods commonly used to optimize the parameters of a mathematical model for population or disease dynamics to pertinent data.  Parameter optimization of such models is complicated by the fact that usually they have no analytic solution, but instead must be solved numerically. Choice of an appropriate “goodness of fit” statistic will be discussed, as will the benefits and drawbacks of various fitting methods such as gradient descent, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Latin Hypercube and random sampling.  An example of the application of the some of the methods using simulated data from a simple model for the incidence of a disease in a human population will be presented]

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Visits: 10870

Fitting the parameters of an SIR model to influenza data using Least Squares and the graphical Monte Carlo method

[After reading this module, students should understand the Least Squares goodness-of-fit statistic.   Students will be able to read an influenza data set from a comma delimited file into R, and understand the basic steps involved in the graphical Monte Carlo method to fit an SIR model to the data to estimate the R0 of the influenza strain by minimizing the Least Squares statistic.  Students will be aware that parameter estimates have uncertainties associated with them due to stochasticity (randomness) in the data.]

A really good reference for statistical data analysis (including fitting) is Statistical Data Analysis, by G.Cowan.



When a new virus starts circulating in the population, one of the first questions that epidemiologists and public health officials want answered is the value of the reproduction number of the spread of the disease in the population (see, for instance, here and here).

The length of the infectious period can roughly be estimated from observational studies of infected people, but the reproduction number can only be estimated by examination of the spread of the disease in the population.  When early data in an epidemic is being used to estimate the reproduction number, I usually refer to this as “real-time” parameter estimation (ie; the epidemic is still ongoing at the time of estimation).

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Visits: 25438

Basic Unix

In the Arizona State University AML610 course “Computational and Statistical Methods in Applied Mathematics”, we will be ultimately be using super computing resources at ASU and the NSF XSEDE initiative to fit the parameters of a biological model to data.  To do this, it is necessary to know basic Unix commands to copy, rename, and delete files and directories, and how to list directories and locate files.  We will also be compiling all our C++ programs from the Unix shell, and in the command line directing the output of our programs to files.
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Visits: 1334

SIR modelling of influenza with a periodic transmission rate

[After going through this module, students will be familiar with time-dependent transmission rates in a compartmental SIR model, will have explored some of  the complex dynamics that can be created when the transmission is not constant, and will understand applications to the modelling of influenza pandemics.]




Influenza is a seasonal disease in temperate climates, usually peaking in the winter.  This implies that the transmission of influenza is greater in the winter (whether this is due to increased crowding and higher contact rates in winter, and/or due to higher transmissibility of the virus due to favorable environmental conditions in the winter is still being discussed in the literature).  What is very interesting about influenza is that sometimes summer epidemic waves can be seen with pandemic strains (followed by a larger autumn wave).  An SIR model with a constant transmission rate simply cannot replicate the annual dual wave nature of an influenza pandemic.

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Visits: 14716

SIR infectious disease model with age classes

[After reading through this module, students should have an understanding of contact dynamics in a population with age structure (eg; kids and adults). You should understand how population age structure can affect the spread of infectious disease. You should be able to write down the differential equations of a simple SIR disease model with age structure, and you will learn in this module how to solve those differential equations in R to obtain the model estimate of the epidemic curve]



In a previous module I discussed epidemic modelling with a simple Susceptible, Infected, Recovered (SIR) compartmental model.  The model presented had only a single age class (ie; it was homogenous with respect to age).  But in reality, when we consider disease transmission, age likely does matter because kids usually make more contacts during the day than adults. The differences in contact patterns between age groups can have quite a profound impact on the model estimate of the epidemic curve, and also have implications for development of optimal disease intervention strategies (like age-targeted vaccination, social distancing, or closing schools).
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Visits: 18231

Epidemic modelling with compartmental models using R

[After reading through this module you should have an intuitive understanding of how infectious disease spreads in the population, and how that process can be described using a compartmental model with flow between the compartments.  You should be able to write down the differential equations of a simple disease model, and you will learn in this module how to numerically solve those differential equations in R to obtain the model estimate of the epidemic curve]

An excellent reference book with background material related to these lectures is Mathematical Epidemiology by Brauer et al. 



Models of disease spread can yield insights into the mechanisms and dynamics most important to the spread of disease (especially when the models are compared to epidemic data).  With this improved understanding, more effective disease intervention strategies can potentially be developed. Sometimes disease models are also used to forecast the course of an epidemic, and doing exactly that for the 2009 pandemic was my introduction to the field of computational epidemiology.

There are lots of different ways to model epidemics, and there are several modules on this site on the topic, but let’s begin with one of the simplest epidemic models for an infectious disease like influenza: the Susceptible, Infected, Recovered (SIR) model.

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Visits: 21547